Marijana Dragaš
Completed her studies in 2005 at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Zadar and received a BA degree in English Language and Literature and History. In 2010 she enrolled in a doctoral studies program at the University of Mostar ("Languages and Cultures in Contact"). Her fields of interest include: Applied Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, Intercultural Communication, Critical Discourse Anlaysis, Business English and English for Specific Purposes. Since 2005 to 2009 she worked as an English teacher in a primary school in Knin. In addition, she worked part time as an associate professor at the University of Applied Sciences “Marko Marulić” in Knin. Since 2009 she has been a permanent employee of the University of Applied Sciences “Marko Marulić” in Knin and she received a title of Lecturer in the same year. Currently, she is the holder of the English language I and II in the Department of Karst Agriculture, then English I, II, III and IV in the Department of Food Technology and Business English Language in the Department of Economics. She is also doing research for her PhD thesis in cognitive linguistics dealing with conceptual metaphors in political speeches.
She is the author or co-author of the following papers:
• Dragaš, M., Common problems in ELT/ Svakodnevni problemi u nastavi engleskog jezika, Sveučilište u Mostaru, Mostariensia, Časopis za humanističke znanosti, br.26, Mostar, 2007.
• Dragaš, M., Language strategies used in acquiring English Language as a First Foreign Language/Čimbenici uporabe jezičnih strategija u usvajanju engleskog kao prvog stranog jezika, Vaspitanje i obrazovanje-Časopis za pedagošku teoriju i praksu (I/2011), Podgorica, 2011.
• Kegalj, A., Krvavica, M., Vrdoljak, M., Ljubičić, I., Dragaš, M., Stanje i trendovi proizvodnje ovčjeg mesa u Europskoj uniji i Hrvatskoj/ Current state and trends in production of sheep meat in EU and Croatia, MESO: prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu, Vol.XIII No.6 Prosinac 2011.
• Dragaš, M., Denona Ćurković K., Teaching english idioms based on the features of conceptual metaphors/ A cognitive approach, Zbornik radova Međimurskog Veleučilišta u Čakovcu (br.1/2012), MEV, Čakovec, 2012. (u tisku).