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The article in the issue 8:2:

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The Authors
Jan Woleński, Andrew Schumann, Bartłomiej K. Krzych, Nataliia Reva, Magdalena Michalik-Jeżowska, Magdalena Hoły-Łuczaj, Andrzej Niemczuk
, Paweł Balcerak, Tomasz Goban-Klas,


Can the Sense of Agency Be a Marker of Free Will?

In this paper, I will analyse the relation between a sense of agency and free will. It is often proposed that by investigating the former, we can find a way of judging when an action is voluntary. Haggard seems to be one of the authors believing so. To answer if this assumption is correct, I will: 1) analyse the categories of free will and agency; 2) define the sense of agency; 3) describe ways of investigating the sense of agency; 4) describe models of emergence of the sense of agency; 5) analyse the relation between agency and responsibility. I will end by discussing the actual possibility of using the sense of agency measurements (as described in experimental sciences) as markers of free will.


The Authors:


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