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The article in the issue 5:3:

The date of the publication:
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The issue:
The Authors
Andrzej Dąbrowski, Cezary Mordka, Robert Zaborowski, Magdalena Michalik-Jeżowska, Anna Pietrzak, Aleksandra Tokarz, Dominika Dziurawiec, Anna Głąb, Andrei Moldovan, Andrzej Dąbrowski, Agnieszka Iskra-Paczkowska, Przemysław Paczkowski,

Robert Zaborowski is currently a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Warmia & Mazury. He has published extensively on ancient thought and philosophy of affectivity. He is the editor of Organon published by the Institute for History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences.



R. G. Collingwood’s Views on the Feeling –
Thought Relation and Their Relevance for Current Research

Current research in affectivity is often dominated by perspectives on the
feeling/thinking dichotomy. In the paper first I reconstruct Collingwood’s
position on this point as it is presented in his Religion and Philosophy, The
Principles of Art, and New Leviathan, and then compare it shortly with
Bergson’s view. In total five of Collingwood’s different readings of the
feeling/thought relation are brought to light. Finally, I opt for a view that takes
feeling and thought to be complementary and inseparable, and I try to explain
why and how they are better treated in this way.


The Authors:


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