The leader: prof.
Andrew Adamatzky (Bristol, UK).
The research is supported by the
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-ICT-2011-8).
The main objectives are to design and fabricate a distributed biomorphic computing device built and operated by slime mould Physarum polycephalum. A Physarum chip is a network of processing elements made of the slime mould’s protoplasmic tubes coated with conductive substances; the network is populated by living slime mould. A living network of protoplasmic tubes acts as an active non-linear transducer of information, while templates of tubes coated with conductor act as fast information channels.
The Physarum chip will have parallel inputs (optical, chemo- and electro-based) and outputs (electrical and optical). The Physarum chip will solve a wide range of computation tasks, including optimisation on graphs, computational geometry, robot control, logic and arithmetical computing. The slime mould-based implementation is a bio-physical model of future nano-chips based on biomorphic mineralisation.
We envisage that research and development centred on novel computing substrates, as self-assembled and fault-tolerant fungal networks will lead to a revolution in the bio-electronics and computer industry. Combined with conventional electronic components in a hybrid chip, Physarum networks will radically improve the performance of digital and analog circuits.
Taking into account the enormous and growing interest of research centres and commercial laboratories in the recent experimental implementations of chemical, molecular and biological computers, we can predict that in the next 20-30 years, networks of slime mould mineralised and/or coated with compound substances will become a widespread commodity and a very promising component of novel information processing circuits.
Published Works from Rzeszów:
Schumann, Andrew. "Unconventional Logics in Decision Making." Rzeszow: University of Information Technology and Management, January 2014.
Buy the book.
Schumann, Andrew. "Unconventional logic for massively parallel reasoning", Human System Interaction (HSI), The 6th International Conference on 6-8 June 2013, IEEE Xplore, (2013): 298–305 DOI 10.1109/HSI.2013.6577839
Schumann, Andrew, & Krzysztof Pancerz. "Towards an Object-Oriented Programming Language for Physarum Polycephalum Computing" In: M. Szczuka, L. Czaja, M. Kacprzak (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS&P’2013), Warsaw, Poland, September 25-27, (2013):389-397.
Full paper.
Schumann, Andrew, & L. Akimova. "Simulating of Schistosomatidae (Trematoda: Digenea) Behaviour by Physarum Spatial Logic", Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, Volume 1. Proceedings of the 2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. IEEE Xplore, (2013):225–2301.
Schumann, Andrew, & Krzysztof Pancerz, Jeff Jones. "Towards Logic Circuits Based on Physarum Polycephalum Machines: the Ladder Diagram Approach." In: A. Cliquet Jr, G. Plantier, T. Schultz, A. Fred, H. Gamboa (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (BIODEVICES’2014), Angers, France, March 3-6, (2014), pp. 165-170.
Schumann, Andrew. "Game-Theoretic Aspects of Illocutionary Logic". In: The Eighth Smirnov’s Readings: Proceedings of International Scientific Conference. Moscow, 19–21 June 2013. Moscow, 2013, pp. 86–88.
Full Proceeding.
Schumann, Andrew & Krzysztof Pancerz, Andrew Adamatzky, Martin Grube. "Context-Based Games and Physarum Polycephalum as Simulation Model". In: Workshop Unconventional Computation in Europe, Unconventional Computation & Natural Computation 2014, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, July 14-18.
Full paper.
Schumann, Andrew. "Physarum Syllogistic L-Systems". In: FUTURE COMPUTING 2014, The Sixth International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications, 2014.
Full paper.
Pancerz, Krzysztof & Andrew Schumann. "Principles of an Object-Oriented Programming Language for Physarum Polycephalum Computing". In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Digital Technologies (DT'2014), Zilina, Slovakia, July 9-11, 2014, pp. 273-280.
Schumann, Andrew & Krzysztof Pancerz. "Timed Transition System Models for Programming Physarum Machines: Extended Abstract". In: L. Popova-Zeugmann (Ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS&P'2014), Chemnitz, Germany, September 29 - October 1, 2014, pp. 180-183.
Full paper.
Schumann, Andrew. "p-Adic Valued Fuzzyness and Experiments with Physarum Polycephalum", FSKD 2014, IEEE Xplore, 19‐21 Aug. 2014, pp. 466 - 472.
Schumann, Andrew. "Non-Linear Permutation Groups on Physarum Polycephalum", ICSAI 2014, IEEE Xplore, 15‐17 Nov. 2014, pp. 246 - 251.
Schumann, Andrew. "Reversible Logic Gates on Physarum Polycephalum", International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, September 22-28, 2014, Special Volume of the AIP Conference Proceedings.
Schumann, Andrew & Krzysztof Pancerz, Andrew Adamatzky, Martin Grube. "Bio-Inspired Game Theory: The Case of Physarum Polycephalum", BICT 2014, 1‐3 Dec. 2014, ACM.
Schumann, Andrew & Krzysztof Pancerz. "Interfaces in a Game-Theoretic Setting for Controlling the Plasmodium Motions", BIOSTEC (Biosignals) 2014, Scitepress, 2014.
Schumann, Andrew. "Rationality in the Behaviour of Slime Moulds and the Individual-Collective Duality", AISB Convention 2015.
Full paper.
Schumann, Andrew. "Bayesian Networks on Transition Systems", 5th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, June 20–30, 2015.
Full Proceeding.
Schumann, Andrew. "p-Adic Mathematics in Behavioural Models. The Case of Physarum Polycephalum", International Conference on p-ADIC MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, p -ADICS.2015, 07-12.09.2015, Belgrade, Serbia.
Schumann, Andrew. "Go Games on Plasmodia of Physarum Polycephalum", Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems. Proceedings of the 2015 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. IEEE Xplore, (2015). (accepted).
Schumann, Andrew & Krzysztof Pancerz. "PhysarumSoft - a Software Tool for Programming Physarum Machines and Simulating Physarum Games", Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems. Proceedings of the 2015 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. IEEE Xplore, (2015). (accepted).
Schumann, Andrew. "From Swarm Simulations to Swarm Intelligence", 9th EAI International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (formerly BIONETICS). ACM, (2015). (accepted).
Pancerz, Krzysztof & Andrew Schumann. "A Rough Set Version of the Go Game on Physarum Machines", 9th EAI International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (formerly BIONETICS). ACM, (2015). (accepted).
Articles in Journals:
Adamatzky, Andrew, & Victor Erokhin, Martin Grube, Theresa Schubert, Andrew Schumann. "Physarum Chip Project: Growing Computers From Slime Mould", International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 8 (4), 2012, pp. 319-323.
Schumann, Andrew. "On Two Squares of Opposition: the Leśniewski’s Style Formalization of Synthetic Propositions" Acta Analytica 28, (2013) 71–93: DOI10.1007/s12136-012-0162-4
Full paper.
Schumann, Andrew. "Anti-Platonic Logic and Mathematics", Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 21(1-2) (2013): 53–88.
Schumann, Andrew, & Andrew Adamatzky. "Logical Modelling of Physarum Polycephalum", Analele Universitatii de Vest, Timisoara, Seria Matematica – Informatica XLVIII, 3 (2010): 175-190. arXiv:1105.4060
Schumann, Andrew, & Andrew Adamatzky. "Physarum Spatial Logic", New Math. and Nat. Computation, Vol. 7, No. 3 (2011): 483-498.
Schumann, Andrew. "Proof-Theoretic Cellular Automata as Logic of Unconventional Computing", International Journal of Unconventional Computing, Vol. 8, No. 3 (2012): 263-280.
Schumann, Andrew, & Krzysztof Pancerz. "Towards an Object-Oriented Programming Language for Physarum Polycephalum Computing: A Petri Net Model Approach." Fundamenta Informaticae, Volume 133, Number 2-3, 2014, 271-285.
Schumann, Andrew. "Reflexive Games and Non-Archimedean Probabilities", p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications (2014), Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2014, pp 66-79.
Schumann, Andrew. "Probabilities on Streams and Reflexive Games", Operations Research and Decisions, Vol. 24/No. 1, (2014), pp. 71 – 96.
Full paper.
Schumann, Andrew. "Payoff Cellular Automata and Reflexive Games", Journal of Cellular Automata, 9 (4), (2014), pp. 287-313.
Schumann, Andrew, & Andrei Khrennikov. "Quantum Non-Objectivity from Performativity of Quantum Phenomena", Physica Scripta, Number T163, 2014, 15 pp.
Full paper.
Schumann, Andrew. "Towards Slime Mould Based Computer", New Mathematics and Natural Computation (accepted).
Schumann, Andrew. "Towards context-based concurrent formal theories", Parallel Processing Letters, 25, 2015, 1540008.
Schumann, Andrew & Ludmila Akimova. "Syllogistic System for the Propagation of Parasites. The Case of Schistosomatidae (Trematoda: Digenea)", Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 40 (1), 2015, pp. 303-319.
Full paper.
Schumann, Andrew & Andrew Adamatzky. "The Double-Slit Experiment with Physarum Polycephalum and p-Adic Valued Probabilities and Fuzziness", International Journal of General Systems, 27 Jan 2015, DOI: 10.1080/03081079.2014.997530
Pancerz, Krzysztof & Andrew Schumann. "Rough Set Models of Physarum Machines", International Journal of General Systems, 27 Jan 2015, DOI: 10.1080/03081079.2014.997529 .
Schumann, Andrew & Andrew Adamatzky. "Physarum Polycephalum Diagrams for Syllogistic Systems", IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications , 2 (1), 2015, 35-68.
Full paper.
Schumann, Andrew. "p-Adic valued logical calculi in simulations of the slime mould behaviour", Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 2015, DOI: 10.1080/11663081.2015.1049099 .
Schumann, Andrew. "Conventional and unconventional reversible logic gates on Physarum polycephalum", International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 2015, DOI: 10.1080/17445760.2015.1068775 .
Schumann, Andrew & Jan Woleński. "Two Squares of Oppositions and Their Applications in Pairwise Comparisons Analysis", Fundamenta Informaticae, 2016 (accepted).
Schumann, Andrew. "Towards Slime Mould Based Computer", New Mathematics and Natural Computation, 2016 (accepted).
Schumann, Andrew. "Physarum Polycephalum Syllogistic L-Systems and Judaic Roots of Unconventional Computing", Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 2016 (accepted).
Chapters in Books:
Schumann, Andrew & L. Akimova. "Process Calculus and Illocutionary Logic for Analyzing the Behavior of Schistosomatidae (Trematoda: Digenea)", In: Krzysztof Pancerz, Elena Zaitseva (eds.) Computational Intelligence, Medicine and Biology - Selected Links. Studies in Computational Intelligence 600, Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-16843-2 .
Pancerz, Krzysztof, & Andrew Schumann. "Some Issues on an Object-Oriented Programming Language for Physarum Machines", In: Radim Bris, Jaroslav Majernik, Krzysztof Pancerz, Elena Zaitseva (eds.) Applications of Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Technology. Studies in Computational Intelligence 606, Springer 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-19146-1 .
Schumann, Andrew. "Syllogistic Versions of Go Games on Physarum Polycephalum", In: Andrew Adamatzky (ed.) Advances in Physarum Machines, Springer 2016 (accepted).
Schumann, Andrew & Krzysztof Pancerz. "p-Adic Computation with Physarum", In: Andrew Adamatzky (ed.) Advances in Physarum Machines, Springer 2016 (accepted).
Schumann, Andrew. "Conventional and Unconventional Approaches to Swarm Logic", In: Andrew Adamatzky (ed.) Advances in Unconventional Computing, Springer 2016 (accepted).
Pancerz, Krzysztof, & Andrew Schumann. Rough Set Description of Strategy Games on Physarum Machines", In: Andrew Adamatzky (ed.) Advances in Unconventional Computing, Springer 2016 (accepted).
About the project in media:
Many-Valued Logics and Slime Moulds.
Defining games on the medium of a one-cell organism.
BEST PAPER: Bio-Inspired Game Theory: The Case of Physarum Polycephalum
Our workshops:
1st International Workshop on Biological, Chemical and Physical Computations (BCPC'15).
CFP: BICT 2015 Special Track on Biological Computing and Bio-medical Informatics (BCBI).
Organizing commitees:
9th EAI International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (formerly BIONETICS).
The Seventh International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications. FUTURE COMPUTING 2015