Studia humana (SH) is a multi-disciplinary peer reviewed journal publishing valuable
contributions on any aspect of human sciences such as...


Vitaly I. Levin

Professor, doctor of tech sciences, PhD, Member of International and European Informatization Academies, International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection, Russian Academy of Social Sciences, Honored Scientist of Russia, Soros Prize Laureate, author of many works published in 20 countries.
Topics: Applied Mathematics; Mathematical Logic; Mathematical Modelling in Engineering, Economy, Sociology, History and Bible Science; Philosophy and History of Science, Problems of Education, Systems with Indeterminate Parameters.





Continuous Logic and Scheduling in Systems with Indeterminate Processing Times

Issue: 3:1 (The ninth issue)
A general approach to the synthesis of an optimal order of executing jobs in engineering systems with indeterminate (interval) times of job processing is presented. As a mathematical model of the system, a two-stage pipeline is taken whose first and second stages are, respectively, the input of data and its processing, and the corresponding mathematical apparatus is continuous logic and logic determinants.

Many-Valued Logic in the Jewish Short Stories

Issue: 3:4 (The twelfth issue)
Jewish short stories (parables, tales, jokes, etc.) are explained from the viewpoint of many-valued logic. On the basis of some examples, we show, how their contents may be logically interpreted.

A Composition of Fuzzy Sets

Issue: 4:4 (The sixteenth issue)
A new operation on fuzzy sets – the r-composition of n-sets – is introduced. The particular cases of this operation are logical conjunction (r = 1) or disjunction (r = n). In the general case (1 < r < n), this operation is purely fuzzy and has no analogs among the operations on fuzzy sets. The operation of r-composition is applied to the solution of control problems under uncertainty.