Studia humana (SH) is a multi-disciplinary peer reviewed journal publishing valuable
contributions on any aspect of human sciences such as...


Selçuk Topal

He received his Ph.D. in mathematical logic and the foundations of mathematics from Ege University (2015) and was a visiting scholar at  Department of Mathematics (Prof.Dr. Lawrence S. Moss) and in the Department of Computing and Computing (Dr.Muhammad Abdul-Mageed), Indiana University, Bloomington, USA.
His research interests include pure and applied logic (logic, language and information), mathematics, computer science and graph theory.



On Logics of Transitive Verbs With and Without Intersective Adjectives

Issue: 7:1 (The twenty fifth issue)
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the natural logic program which
invents logics in natural language. This study presents two logics: a logical
system containing transitive verbs and a more expressive logical
system containing both transitive verbs and intersective adjectives.
The paper offers three different set-theoretic semantics which are equivalent for
the logics.