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Aleksandra Rzepecka

Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Social Sciences, in the discipline of Management and Quality Science. A graduate of MA studies at the Military University of Land Forces. Since 2018, has been working at the University as an adjunct.  Deals with the issues of organizational culture, corporate social responsibility, image of the organization as well as professional career and competences.



Issue: ()

The Influence of Organizational Culture on Human Capital Development of Polish Army Officers in the Context of Post-Service Empl

Issue: 12:4 (The forty seventh issue)
Organizational culture paves the way for employees, shows how one should function in a given organization – it aims to keep it together by adhering to similar values. Thanks to conditions prevailing there, specific rules employees know how they can perform their duties, properly cooperate with others and also how looks like the possibility of professional development, which is very important in the development of human capital. Human capital is people, their skills, creativity and qualifications. Development of capital through competence development has a positive impact on further functioning of the organization, but also on the satisfaction of employees themselves. In the case of retired officers of the Polish Army, who acquired specialized knowledge and valuable skills during their service, it is important to use their capital after the end of service. They can be supplemented with additional courses, training that will enrich their existing potential, and also enable them to find work in the civilian market. A survey was conducted among retired Army officers and employers/supervisors hiring retired officers from 2019 to 2021. The snowball method was used. A qualitative method was used – a survey questionnaire.