contributions on any aspect of human sciences such as...
Fabien Schang is doctor in philosophy and Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Goiás (Brazil).
Co-author of two books and a number of international scientific papers, his works are centered on logic and epistemology. His research program of formal philosophy consists in applying logical tools to philosophical problems, including a formal semantics of oppositions or partition semantics.
An analogy is made between two rather different domains, namely: logic, and football (or soccer). Starting from a comparative table between the two activities, an alternative explanation of logic is given in terms of players, ball, goal, and the like. Our main thesis is that, just as the task of logic is preserving truth from premises to the conclusion, footballers strive to keep the ball as far as possible until the opposite goal. Assuming this analogy may help think about logic in the same way as in dialogical logic, but it should also present truth-values in an alternative sense of speech-acts occurring in a dialogue. The relativity of truth-values is focused by this way, thereby leading to an additional way of logical pluralism.