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The article in the issue 4:2:

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The Authors
Filip Kobiela, Przemyslaw Spryszak, Bartosz Brożek, Mateusz Hohol, Błażej Skrzypulec, Ronald Bon de Sousa Pernes, Andrzej Dąbrowski,
Ronald Bon de Sousa Pernes (born 1940 in Switzerland) is an Emeritus Professor at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Toronto which he joined in 1966. He is best known for his work in philosophy of emotions, and has also made contributions to philosophy of mind and philosophy of biology. He was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2005. De Sousa possesses both UK and Canadian citizenship. Educated in Switzerland and England, he took his B.A. at New College, Oxford University in 1962, and his Ph.D. at Princeton University in 1966. He has contributed to and is frequently cited in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.


Andrzej Dabrowski, assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow. His research focuses on epistemology, philosophy of mind and philosophy of language. He has published several articles, book chapters and the monograph Intencjonalność i semantyka [Intentionality and Semantics], (2013).


Are Our Emotions True Cognitions?

The interview given by Ronald Bon de Sousa Pernes (born 1940 in Switzerland), an Emeritus Professor at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Toronto which he joined in 1966.


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