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The article in the issue 12:4:

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The Authors
Marcus W. Hunt, Gregor Becker, Walter Block, Gülgün Çiğdem, Joseph J. Hyde, Aleksandra Rzepecka,

Gülgün Çiğdem is the Head of the Department of International Trade and Business Administration, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Istanbul Gelisim University. She specializes in macroeconomics, finance, and applied econometrics. In addition to her innovative work named The Crisis-Cancer Cycle, her work linking Femicide to macro-economic variables is noteworthy.


The Foreign Exchange Rate-Femicide Nexus in Turkey: Evidence from the Cointegration Tests Based on Nonlinear and Fourier Functions

The purpose of this study is to look at femicide from a different perspective, even though it may seem unrelated at first. Accordingly, it investigated the existence of a link between foreign exchange, which was a major cause of the crises and unemployment, and femicide, which was the outcome of violence against women other than murder. The data were acquired from the We Will Stop Femicide Platform and the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey in light of the study’s goal. According to the findings of the investigation, there is a long-term cointegrating association between the foreign exchange rate and femicide in Turkey. After 22.6 days, the deviation induced by a 1% change in the currency rate could be balanced. This study is notable for approaching femicide from a hitherto overlooked economic perspective, as well as demonstrating that exchange rate changes are “vital” in terms of non-economic reality and public health.


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