contributions on any aspect of human sciences such as...
Ben Cahill is presently studying Applied Sciences and aspiring to a scientific career in an astronomy related field. He is a full-time member of Rosliston Astronomy Group based in Derbyshire in the United Kingdom, where he is an active contributor helping to deliver a successful outreach programme to members of the community. He is part of the next generation of curious young scientists passionate about developing new concepts and ideas in astronomy for the benefit of mankind.
Martin Braddock is a professional scientist, project manager and project leader working for a large pharmaceutical company. He has published over 170 articles in many journals including Nature, Cell, Human Gene Therapy and Nature Drug Discovery and more recently papers in astronomical journals for which astronomy is a passionate hobby. He is a member of Sherwood Observatory in the UK, a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology and live in Nottinghamshire with his wife and family.
Rapid advances in biology, electronics, computer and data science have turned invention into products, changing the lives and lifestyles of millions of people around the world. This mini-review will describe some remarkable progress made over the last 10 years which serves both healthy individuals and patients alike. With a forward looking lens towards long term space missions and the potential colonisation of the Moon and Mars, we discuss three technologies under development. We conclude with a distant looking perspective on the prospect of gene mediated human enhancement and highlight the importance of aligning benefit for people on Earth with goals for future space missions and the need to establish regulatory and ethical guidelines.