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Marcus W. Hunt, Gregor Becker, Walter Block, Gülgün Çiğdem, Joseph J. Hyde, Aleksandra Rzepecka,


Why is the Teleological Argument so Popular?

The Author: Marcus W. Hunt,
Why are teleological arguments based on biological phenomena so popular? My explanation is that teleological properties are presented in our experiences of biological phenomena. I contrast this with the view that the attribution of teleological properties to biological phenomena takes place at an intellective level – via inference, and as belief or similar propositional attitude. I suggest five ways in which the experiential view is the better explanation for the popularity of such teleological arguments. Experiential attributions are more easy, impactful, and implastic. The experiential view accommodates cases of conflicting attributions, and it makes sense of the readiness with which we follow such teleological arguments. I respond to objections and explain how my view builds on existing answers to this question found in the philosophical literature.

Black Forest Melody: Between Philosophical Kitsch and Identitarian Ideology: Heidegger’s Pastoral World-View in the Memorial Address. Trial on a Classification

The Author: Gregor Becker,
Martin Heidegger is still subject to controversial discussions about his political views. The question in the centre of the discussions is not if he was politically on the far right, but how far right he was, and also how far right his philosophy is. However, the details of Heidegger's political approaches in his work are largely disguised and hidden behind Heidegger's typical writing style, which has remained undefined for so long. There is a short essay in Heidegger's work that may shed light on the roots and details of his ethnic-identity thinking: “Memorial Address”.

Response to Hewitt on Abortion

The Author: Walter Block,
The defense argument in favor of abortion sees the fetus as an invader, a trespasser, someone against whom violence is justified, since this very young person (the fetus) has initiated violence against his mother. Hewitt [30] rejects this argument. The present paper maintains the justification of this defense argument. My perspective is based on the private property rights of the mother. She owns her person. It is as if her body is her house, and a trespasser has invaded it. Surely, she has the right to evict such a person. This analogy is relatively easy to see in the case of rape. The unwanted fetus, now occupying a part of her body is in effect a intruder. If she really owns her body, which I contend she certainly does, she has a right to expel this person from her property. I also argue that voluntary sexual intercourse does not constitution an “invitation” for the pre-born baby to occupy her premises for nine months.

The Devil's Triangle: Empirical Evidence from Turkey on Growth, Current Account Deficit, and Inflation

The Author: Gülgün Çiğdem,
Determining the existence of the relationship between economic growth, current account deficit, and inflation will guide the selection of policies to be implemented. The distortions that may be caused by the policies to be preferred can be minimized by the measures to be taken if the relations are known. From this point of view, this study is a metaphorical study emphasizing the Bermuda Triangle, which caused unexplained losses due to the name given to the study. In the study, to determine the existence and direction of the relations between the variables, Turkey's annual growth, current account deficit, and inflation data for the 1974–2020 period were taken and subjected to various analyzes. In this study, carried out from this point of view, to determine the existence and direction of the relations between the variables, the annual growth, current account deficit, and inflation data of Turkey for the 1974–2020 period were taken and subjected to various analyzes. Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) (1979, 1981) and Philips-Perron (PP) Unit Root tests (1988) and Lee-Strazicich Unit Root Test (2003) were used for stationarity tests. Regression was used since the variables were determined to be stationary at the level and cointegration could not be obtained. The current account deficit changed by 0.181812 units in the negative direction as a result of a one-unit rise in growth, according to the regression analysis (GDP). Furthermore, it has been shown that if inflation increases by one unit, the current account deficit moves in the positive direction by 0.042096 units. Toda Yamamoto Causality Analysis (1995) was used to investigate short-term causality links, and as a consequence, a two-way relationship between GDP and inflation, one-way from GDP and inflation to current account deficit was discovered.

Structure of Labor: Toward a New Theory of Community and Economic Development

The Author: Joseph J. Hyde,
In the United States, the rise in income inequality and downward intergenerational social mobility since the 1970s represent twin problems facing community and economic development today. This paper proposes a Structure of Labor theory to apply at the local and regional level to address these development challenges. The objective is to provide a simple local approach to development that maximizes upward economic mobility and enables individuals and communities to achieve their development goals in the 21st century development landscape of the United States. The proposed theory fuses free-enterprise principles with state-planned dirigiste efforts to maximize the best of both theoretical perspectives. After reviewing pertinent literature and articulating the Structure of Labor theory, the latter sections of the paper explicate its implications for community and economic development practice.

The Influence of Organizational Culture on Human Capital Development of Polish Army Officers in the Context of Post-Service Employment

Organizational culture paves the way for employees, shows how one should function in a given organization – it aims to keep it together by adhering to similar values. Thanks to conditions prevailing there, specific rules employees know how they can perform their duties, properly cooperate with others and also how looks like the possibility of professional development, which is very important in the development of human capital. Human capital is people, their skills, creativity and qualifications. Development of capital through competence development has a positive impact on further functioning of the organization, but also on the satisfaction of employees themselves. In the case of retired officers of the Polish Army, who acquired specialized knowledge and valuable skills during their service, it is important to use their capital after the end of service. They can be supplemented with additional courses, training that will enrich their existing potential, and also enable them to find work in the civilian market. A survey was conducted among retired Army officers and employers/supervisors hiring retired officers from 2019 to 2021. The snowball method was used. A qualitative method was used – a survey questionnaire.

The Foreign Exchange Rate-Femicide Nexus in Turkey: Evidence from the Cointegration Tests Based on Nonlinear and Fourier Functions

The Author: Gülgün Çiğdem,
The purpose of this study is to look at femicide from a different perspective, even though it may seem unrelated at first. Accordingly, it investigated the existence of a link between foreign exchange, which was a major cause of the crises and unemployment, and femicide, which was the outcome of violence against women other than murder. The data were acquired from the We Will Stop Femicide Platform and the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey in light of the study’s goal. According to the findings of the investigation, there is a long-term cointegrating association between the foreign exchange rate and femicide in Turkey. After 22.6 days, the deviation induced by a 1% change in the currency rate could be balanced. This study is notable for approaching femicide from a hitherto overlooked economic perspective, as well as demonstrating that exchange rate changes are “vital” in terms of non-economic reality and public health.